Projects lend themselves to multiple forms of assessment, and assessment is informative, reflective and collaborative.
In project-based learning, assessment practices are ongoing and dialogical, beginning with reflective self-assessment and incorporating both peer critique and expert consultation.
Project-based learning assessment practices are informative and lead to high-quality work and deeper learning from every student. Equitable assessment unlocks information that educators, families, and students can use to ensure equal access and challenge.
All assessment is formative and supports the ongoing growth and development of each student. Students see their strengths illuminated and assessment practices curate valuable information that leads to growth, effort, and mastery for every student.
Assessment practices mirror the tools and techniques that experts use to understand their own work. Students, teachers, and community members use the methods of evaluation found in the professional world. Assessment is grounded in essential questions meaningful to students’ lived experience.
Assessment is a dialogue by design to welcome student voice into the design and facilitation of evaluation processes. Assessment practices illuminate learning targets from diverse perspectives, and include voices such as community members, experts, peers, and the students themselves.