Students and teachers collaborate to generate and share important ideas. They create, share, save and post ideas, plans, concepts, suggestions, questions and more for future inspiration.
Ideation norms, protocols and structures create equitable spaces for all students to share ideas.
Every student deserves the opportunity to contribute their ideas to their class and their learning. Practice and critique your protocols to ensure that all voices have equal access and contributions are valued from all students. Post ideas publicly in class to communicate their inherent value.
Students personalize their learning by driving content or production choices in PBL, and by contributing ideas to the overall project design. Integrate ideation practices consistently and bake student contributions into the project so that Each student should see themselves in the project itself.
Teach the skills and habits of creativity by practicing ideation protocols often in class. Regularly turn to a wide range of professions to mimic how scientists, journalists, athletes, academics, and more generate, document, and share new ideas.
Research shows that diverse teams are more likely to generate a greater number of, and more novel, responses to design questions. Student-teacher collaboration and project ideation magnifies the class’ power and shifts the experience towards student-centered learning.